E-Commerce - Best Features for an Effective Product Page

May 21, 2020

E-Commerce - Best Features for an Effective Product Page

When designing an online store, a lot of focus goes on the homepage—it’s the first thing that visitors see when they arrive. But the real goal of any online store website is sales, and there’s no way you’ll achieve that without a stellar product page.

Regardless of whether or not an online store is successful, it depends on dozens and hundreds of individual factors. Success needs that magic mixture of quality products, effective calls to action, smart timing, prominence in search engines, and so on.

Convincing and entertaining product pages are important if you want your online store to thrive. However, making these pages requires much more than a couple of photos and a line or two of text.

There are many new ecommerce merchants who are not well aware of the features that are essential for any product page, so we have listed some features that every online store product page should have, as their customers are looking for such online store product pages that have these below-mentioned advanced features to enhance their shopping experience.

High-quality product images

When it comes to talking about one of the main features of an online store product page, using high-quality images is one such feature that every online store product page should have.

Every shopper is different. Some will be drawn to visual details, while others will only care about your written descriptions. But even so, if there’s one crucial element to your product pages, it’s the product photography.

We all know that the visual process of shopping is the most crucial, so investing in high-quality images of your own products is a great option for you if you want to provide your customers with a user-friendly experience. You can also provide your best impression of the product by using high-quality images.

If you’re expecting customers to make a purchase, the images have to work to sell the product.

Below are the essential images you need:

  1. An individual shot of the product, showing it in its best light;

  2. Showing details of products helps customers to gain a better impression. For example, showing the soles of shoes so they can see the grip type

  3. Showing how products work is a big help, for instance, by showing the number of input slots on TVs or, as in the case below, the amount a wallet can hold.

  4. Multiple images should be included too. Why not let customers scroll through a range of shots? This allows them to see products from various angles and in different contexts.

Zoom Feature

Along with using high-quality images, you should provide a zoom feature on product images, as it has become increasingly popular on various e-commerce websites. Through the zoom feature, your customers can get a better and bigger view of your products, which can help them in their shopping.

Product Price

The price is key to the purchase decision and is something that users will look for instantly.

Whenever any shopper makes a purchase, he or she looks for the price of the product, so e-commerce merchants need to mention the price of the product clearly so that shoppers can find it easily. A clear view of the price makes it easy for your shoppers to decide whether this product is in their budget or not.

Make it stand out and differentiate it with color, size, and space from the rest of the page.

Product Description

A great product description is a big plus when it comes to conversions. But it’s important to understand your buyer. If you’re selling, say, niche workshop tools, it’s okay if your language and jargon reflect the technical nature of your products. It shows that you understand your market and are not dumbing it down for a wider audience.

Having a lengthy product page description is also great for SEO. But it needs to be unique and not copied and pasted from elsewhere. The use of adjectives in your copy, such as vibrant, compact, and richer, can bring your text to life. But depending on your item, there may be limitations on how many copies you can have.

These product descriptions are crucial for two major reasons:

They give you ample space to insert the keywords and phrases you want to target on search engines, and

They allow customers to get a glimpse into what your brand is about and how any one product fits into it.

While it’s absolutely true that customers might read your copy to learn more about the product specifically, they’re more likely to skim than read word-for-word. So you should view this component as a bigger opportunity to convey your brand’s style, voice, and keywords rather than your only selling opportunity.

Add to Cart Button

To make your customers’ shopping hassle-free, you can add an "add to cart button" on the product page. Make sure to make it clear and unique from other elements on the page so that your customers can find it easily.

The Add to Cart button is the most important element on the page. It’s the one link you want users to click on to start and hopefully complete the buying process. To this end, having a clear and obvious Add to Cart button is vitally important. It can be a simple use of color to highlight it compared to every other feature on the page.

The other aspect of an effective button is to declutter the area and make sure that you don’t have too many other elements of lesser importance surrounding it. For mobile, it’s also important that the button is as far up the screen as possible and the customer doesn’t have to scroll too far to reach it.

Customer Reviews

How do you know if a product is worth checking out?

Customer reviews are a key aspect of what we call social proof. Before buying anything, most visitors want to see what other buyers thought of a product. This helps remove some of the uncertainty around online shopping and can reveal key information not exposed in the product description. Reviews add credibility to an online store and provide reassurance for new buyers that others have bought from the site. Items with few or zero reviews on a product page have been shown to convert less.

You know shoppers want to know what other people are thinking about your product. If you provide some reviews from your consumers on your product page, you are helping your shoppers make their decision about your product.

We all know that not all of your products have positive reviews, but you need to provide all the reviews to your shoppers, as both positive and negative reviews make the shopping experience authentic for them.

Add to Wishlist

Ecommerce sites that aren’t using wish lists are leaving revenue on the virtual desktop table.

What’s better than having customers bookmark items they want and will most likely buy in the future? That’s just gold in the pocket. And a remarketing campaign dream.

Retailers are creating these individualized options to drive engagement.

It's an opportunity to share a brand with new buyers. When shoppers share their wish lists with family and friends, it sends free traffic with built-in social proof to a website.

Use Color Swatches for Variations

If you’re selling products with different colors, it’s always a good idea to include swatches. Humans are visual creatures, and it’s always simpler to spot which colors are available at a glance with a visual clue rather than having to read text. Color swatches on a product page help prevent decision paralysis if users are faced with a large number of drop-down choices.

Collect Leads for Out-of-Stock Products

Rather than simply displaying an "Out of Stock" notification, it would be far more useful to collect warm leads from customers who you know are interested in purchasing your items. A waitlist is an important feature to consider on your product page. With some correctly setup email segmentation, you can have a ready-made list of buyers when your product, or an alternative version of it, is available again.

Related Items

Simply seeing the phrase "you might like this" causes a serotonin release, signaling curiosity and excitement.

A "Related Items" feature on an online store website creates the desirable stickiness effect that so many marketers strive to achieve.

Comparison of Products

You know that you can enhance a shopping experience and boost sales for your business by providing product comparisons. Through the product comparison feature, your customers can easily compare the features side-by-side without flipping through many pages. There are lots of e-commerce websites that have started adopting this feature on their product pages.

Payment Options

In the world of Apple Pay and PayPal, advanced payment options are a must-have feature for an online store website.

After purchasing products, customers look for payment methods that are available on your e-commerce website. Payment methods can affect the decisions of your customers. So, it is necessary that you mention payment methods by describing complete information about your methods.

Shipping Information

Alarmingly, unexpected shipping costs are the number one reason for shopping cart abandonment.

It’s critical that e-commerce websites include shipping information early in the checkout process, including a ZIP code calculator showing the cost.

We can say that it is the key feature that you need to add to your product page, as it provides complete information about the shipment of the product. Shipping information provides end-to-end details like item delivery within a particular time, the cost of the shipment, and more.

Share Buttons

Social sharing buttons are excellent marketing tools that you can add to your product page. Through these buttons, you can allow your users to share your product with their friends, family members, and loved ones.

They can also post your product on their social networking wall and show their friends what they have purchased. Make sure you use individual sharing buttons like the Facebook button, the Twitter button, the Google+1 button, etc.

The above-mentioned are some of the essential features that are musts for e-commerce product pages. By providing these features, e-commerce merchants can provide their customers with a wonderful shopping experience and boost their sales.


Product pages are the heart and soul of your e-commerce site.

With minor improvements, you can convert more visitors into customers and increase your sales revenue.

Take inspiration from the features mentioned above and start implementing some of these strategies in your online store.

Combine the ones that fit you the best, and always test different options.

Go4Global is a digital agency offering various online services incuding ecommerce website and mobile app development. We create eCommerce sites that are powerful, effective, and affordable. Get in touch with us today and let us help your business succeed online.

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